Data Center Connectivity
Large or Small connections, We can Help.

Data Center Connectivity

Wireless SpecialAs bandwidth needs grow Whiz to Coho has focused on bringing lower prices to our clients. Having a presence in both The Pittock Exchange and the Fortune Data Center and having Fiber connecting both locations, we have some very competitive pricing.

We can be utilized as a primary connection, a primary and backup connection, a backup only connection, or a transport only connection. If you want to run dedicated fiber point to point but do not want to have a presence in the Pittock Exchange we offer rack space by the rack u within the Pittock Exchange and will hand-off in the Fortune Data Center in the MMR.

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Point to Point Link From Fortune MMR to Pittock Exchange.

Point to Point fiber connections between the two locations are redundant and take different paths to ensure up-time in the unlikely event of a fiber cut. Your connection will be delivered to the 6th floor of the Pittock exchange and all cross connect fees within the Pittock to your desired carrier are not included and are billed directly from the Pittock Exchange. Prices are based on either a three or five year term depending on the connection rate. Connections above 1Gbps require 30 to 90 days depending on the scope of the order.

  • 10 Mbps to 100Gbps
  • Call for Quote

Internet Transport

Whiz to Coho, Inc. can provide Internet transport though redundant paths. Blended network with full BGP redundancy. Specific Carriers may be specified at a higher MRC. Prices are based on a 3 or 5 year term depending on the connection rate. Connections above 1Gbps require 30 to 90 days depending on the scope of the order. IP Transport is available in both the Pittock Exchange and the Fortune Data Center.

  • 10 Mbps to 100Gbps
  • IP Space
  • Specify Carrier Blend
  • Call for Quote

Rack Space in the Pittock Exchange.

If you are running connections with other carriers to the Pittock Exchange and need rack space but do not need a full cabinet we can lease rack space by the single rack unit. Primary and Primary plus Secondary power can be purchased by the amp, so you are paying only for what you need.

  • One Rack Unit
    $ 50 per Rack Unit - $ 150 setup
  • Primary Power on UPS and Generator
    $ 75 per Ampere - $ 100 setup
  • Secondary Power on UPS and Generator
    $ 75 per Ampere - $ 100 setup
